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Scenic Drive Dental is proud to offer our patients and their families a line of xylitol products by XLear for adults and children. Xylitol is an all-natural sugar that is not metabolized by the bacteria that causes tooth decay, therefore decreasing the risk of cavities. Studies have found that cavity-prone children using xylitol products as recommended had a reduction in cavities by more than 70 percent. This natural occurring sugar substitute prevents the bacterial that resides in the mouth from being able to create sticky plaque. Without the ability to create plaque, caries (cavities) cannot materialize. Find out more by visiting their website at

These products include Spry Gum and Spry Gems, mints available in a variety of flavors,
both contain dental aiding xylitol. These products are a perfect solution for bad breath and a way to fight off dental cavities. There are also oral rinses and toothpastes for children available. Our staff will be happy to help you determine if these products would be a healthy addition to your family’s dental care regimen.