More than 15 percent of American adults suffer from some kind of chronic facial pain, such as headaches, earaches or jaw pain. Tempro-Mandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome (TMJD) could be the source for these aches and pains. Symptoms can be severe headaches (often misdiagnosed as migraine or sinus headaches), jaw pain, grinding teeth and intermittent ringing in the ears. Most TMJD sufferers are not aware that these health issues can be effectively treated by their dentist.
TMJD is most commonly caused by the misalignment of the teeth. Many times Dr. Schmieder can realign the teeth without the need for any invasive or expensive treatments. TMJ left untreated can be one of the most prevalent reasons for worn jawbones and loose teeth.It is important for anyone experiencing these symptoms to contact Scenic Drive Dental so that Dr.Schmieder can diagnose and treat your bite.